Investeringsmulighet i Tenerife - Spania
Den totale investeringen er som følger:
På en tomt på 7500 m2 sør på Tenerife med en overskuddsbygning over bakken på 1446 m2 i lave + 2 høyder, som for øyeblikket ikke har blitt utført det overskuddet av bygningen.
Bensinstasjonen har en kontrakt i kraft til 2027 + 5 års varighet med en månedlig leie på 22.500 euro, årlig totalt 270.000 euro.
De ville akseptere en kontrakt lenger hvis de ville, men det er ikke gjort for å kunne forhandle prisen per liter.
Den legger også inn 0.09856 euro per fakturert liter, som er salget av 2018 (3.460.000 liter) og 2019 (4.380.000 liter) som gir en annen årlig inntekt på 431.430 euro per år. År 2022 til mai solgt 1.526.237 l.
Det leies også 3 næringslokaler 5 år + 5, alle med uavhengige lisenser.
The total investment is as follows:
On a plot of 7500 m2 in the south of Tenerife with a surplus building above ground of 1446 m2 in low + 2 heights, which at the moment has not been executed that surplus of building.
The gas station has a contract in force until 2027 + 5 years duration with a monthly rent of 22,500 euros, annual total 270,000 euros.
They would accept a contract for longer if they wanted, but it is not done to be able to negotiate the price per liter.
It also enters 0.09856 euros per liter invoiced, being the sale of 2018 (3,460,000 liters) and 2019 (4,380,000 liters) making another annual income of 431,430 euros per year. Year 2022 to May sold 1.526.237 l.
There are also 3 commercial premises rented 5 years + 5, all with independent licenses:
Pharmacy (91,36m.2) - alq month 3.419€ - annual 41.028€
Bar cafeteria (125,08m.2 + terrace 39,80m.2 alq month 4.546€, annual 54.552€
Restaurant (400m.2+ terrace 100m.2) - alq month 12.000€ - annual 144.000€
It has just closed a rental agreement for playground for 200 m.2 apart from the documentation in the City Council for its license.
The total income of the solar gas station pack is:
870,000 euros per year 2,018. (year gas station opened)
941,000 euros per year 2,019.
According to cepsa it will reach 5.5 – 6.0 million liters, for which they want a longer contract.
The price for the entire package would be 13,500,000 euros, generating a profitability of a guaranteed (€ 800,000 in gross profit until renewal of the gas station contract)
There is the possibility of selling the premises that rent 144,000 euros + playground € 12,000 + parking (according to plan attached to aldi for 4,000,000 euros then the total investment would be 13,500,000 euros with an annual income of 1,037,010, reporting a return of 7.7%. This point would be decided by both parties.
Profitability is increasing due to the increase in annual sales of liters of the gas station.