Winery in Ribera de Duero, Spain

Total area - 767 m2. Production, storage, laboratory, tasting room with a fireplace. The possibility of increasing to 20 000m2. 160,000 liters (can be increased up to 210 000 liters without construction)

2 areas: 14 810 m2 and 15,090 m2. 6,834 m2 of vineyard with drip irrigation

Bodega is located at 0.5 km from the sights of the town and close to the river Duero. Well-established distribution network and importers.

Bodega has all licenses and permits for the work and the right to use the domain Dominación de Origen. Stock of wine 120,000-150,000 liters (300,000-350,000 euros) is included in the price